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The Tower of Opportunity is a four-sided structure that helps students find greater meaning in their schoolwork and better understand how daily learning activities connect to the higher purposes we teachers try to promote in our classrooms. Each of the Tower’s seven floors features one of the life roles Dale Parnell defines in his marvelous book Why Do I Have to Learn This? The 7 Life Roles are: Citizen, Consumer, Family Member & Friend, Individual, Leisure Participant, Lifelong Learner, and Producer (Worker). The role names occupy one side of the tower while specific examples of each role occupy the other three. Examples of each role are printed on doors that include tiny doorknobs.
The design of the tower empowers teachers to convey the message that life is rich with opportunities, choices, and options, but that in order to take advantage of these opportunities, maximize our choices, and give ourselves the greatest number of options, we need an education. Put simply, education is the key that opens doors. The harder we work in school and the more we learn, the more doors we can open for ourselves. Thus, the Tower provides a powerful visual metaphor that enables teachers to take normally abstract notions about the future and make them concrete.
An important aspect of the tower’s design relates to the sequence of roles from bottom to top. The arrangement isn’t random. Rather, it is an attempt to illustrate each role’s potential for contributing to and impacting the larger society. While the potential certainly exists for people assuming any role to make a difference in the lives of others, the roles located on the bottom tend to focus primarily on individual needs, goals, and priorities while those higher on the tower tend to involve progressively larger numbers of people.
The Tower is a significant reference point that students should revisit frequently. Whenever you begin a new unit or project, choose to discuss an item you heard on the news, want to capitalize on a teachable moment, or even decide to share a personal story, try connecting it to something on the tower. Every time you do, you remind your students of the numerous ways in which their learning can be put to use and the numerous reasons why learning matters. You expand their perspective and encourage them to think beyond their present reality. Furthermore, you provide them with a glimpse of what a productive, well-rounded life can look like. A Discussion Guide is included with the purchase of each Tower of Opportunity.
Photographs of The Tower of Opportunity (2 sides)
Dale Parnell, the author who defines the seven life roles in Why Do I Have To Learn This?, supports and endorses this project, and he has even referred to my work in a recent article he has written. An excerpt is shown below.
“Steve Reifman, a veteran 3rd grade teacher at Roosevelt Elementary School in Santa Monica, California, has developed a unique way to incorporate the life role career curriculum into his every day teaching. He has developed a visual symbol called “The Tower of Opportunity†for his classroom. This stand alone four sided tower is designed with seven levels, one for each Life Role Career. The other three sides of the Tower indicate specific examples of the various careers or situations involved in a Life Role Career. He observes that this visual metaphor helps his students connect daily learning activities to the higher purpses of elementary education. He is passionate about helping students connect something specific in real life to their educational experience.
The educational establishment can concentrate on hot topics such as high stakes testing, or longer school days or school years, etc., but they are not likely to be the crucial keys to improving student achievement. The difference will be made, as Steve Reifman has observed in his teaching experience, when students are helped to make connections with real life issues and see purpose in their daily learning.â€
Created for teachers by a teacher, The Kids’ Quote of the Day Calendar contains 118 inspirational quotes designed to bring out the very best in your students. Specifically, these quotes target 13 “Habits of Character,†a list that includes Cooperation, Courage, Fairness, Honesty, Kindness, Patience, Perseverance, Positive Attitude, Pride, Respect, Responsibility, Self-discipline, and Service. In addition, the quotes touch on other important ideas, such as quality, success, and health and wellness. From beginning to end, the quotes spiral through these topics so that students receive multiple opportunities to think about and discuss each one.
Make this calendar a regular part of your morning routine. Two or three times a week, write a quote on the board and choose someone to read it aloud to the class. After providing students with time to think about the quote’s meaning and relevance, do a pair-share to maximize participation in the activity. Then, select a few volunteers to share their thoughts with the group. In these whole class discussions students may choose to identify the habit or larger idea the quote addresses, offer interpretations of the quote’s meaning, or share examples demonstrating how the quote applies to their daily lives. Suggested talking points are provided on the back of each quote to help teachers take full advantage of the power and inspiration these quotes offer.
Though the conversations only take a few minutes, the exercise is a valuable one because it encourages kids to think deeply, because there’s a high tone to the dialogue that appeals to the best in people, and because it allows the group to start the day on a positive note. Further payoffs to consistent use of this activity include better student behavior, stronger work habits and social skills, improved attitudes towards school, greater enthusiasm for and increased dedication to learning, and enhanced vocabulary development.
Quote: “We are the music makers. We are the dreamers of dreams.â€
-Willie Wonka
Suggested Talking Point: During the factory tour Willie Wonka conducted for the lucky finders of his golden tickets, he asked the kids to sample the various fruits found on his lickable wallpaper. He emphasized that the strawberries actually taste like strawberries and the snozberries taste like snozberries. This quote was Mr. Wonka’s response to Veruca Salt, who argued that there were no such things as snozberries. His point: if there’s something humans want to create, they have the imagination and determination necessary to do so, no matter what anyone else thinks.