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Teaching Tip of the Week
Tip #25: Improving Your Writing Workshop (Part 1 of 4)
Peer Revising
This week features my first-ever video-based Teaching Tip. Click on the link below to watch an entertaining instructional video that you can show your students to help them better understand the process of revising. Viewers will learn what revising means, the goals of revising, how to revise, and how revising differs from editing.
The video features two of my former students simulating a typical day in the classroom, and they are working on a Writing Workshop project. I filmed the video with these children last summer and debuted it in the classroom this Fall. Watching the two kids in the video work together to revise a piece of writing had a wonderful effect on my students’ ability to cooperate, listen to one another’s suggestions, use their time well, and make valuable changes to their initial drafts. The video runs for approximately five minutes.
Click here to watch video now.
New Teaching Tips appear every Sunday of the school year.