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Teaching Tip of the Week
Check the Temperature of Your Classroom (Teaching Tip #71)

Inevitably, there will be times in our classrooms when things just seem a bit off. During these instances, for example, the typical level of focus and effort with which our students work may not be present or the kids may be having an unusually large number of arguments or problems on the playground with their peers.
In these moments it is important to remember the old adage, “As teachers, we don’t teach content; we teach children.†I always try to keep this idea in my mind, but I’m as guilty as anyone of forgetting it every once in a while. I may be so focused on rehearsing the steps of the math lesson I’m about to teach on a given morning that I am mentally unprepared to address the recess argument that’s still bubbling over when the kids return to class after the bell.
I’m always on the lookout for low numbers so that, as the day unfolds, I can offer these students comfort and cheer to boost their spirits. I encourage the kids to do the same. This activity builds a sense of inclusion and mutual caring; it also strengthens the bonds among team members. In addition, whenever possible, we try to find time at the end of the day to go around the circle again so that we can determine whether there have been any changes from the morning.
If the difficulties of the class go beyond those of a small number of children, I may need to adjust the pacing, grouping arrangement, or presentation of classroom lessons. I am a huge believer in cooperative learning, and my students work in pairs at least once or twice per day. If my students are having trouble working cooperatively for one reason or another, I will scale back the group work for the time being and schedule more independent work activities. Or, I may switch some partnerships.
Similarly, if some students are having trouble focusing on their work at their current seats because they are distracing or distracted by peers, I will move them to a quieter, more private part of the room.
Fortunately, I do not have to make these types of adjustments frequently, but these pro-active steps are often needed in the short-term until the class finds its focus, regains its momentum, and settles whatever issues it is confronting.
Checking the temperature of your classroom on a regular basis allows you to minimize disruptions, maintain morale, and maximize learning.
New Teaching Tips appear every Sunday of the school year.