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Teaching Tip of the Week
Tip #32: Rock Your Students' World, Part 4: The Slouch Game

The video series shares its name with a teacher resource book I've written, and my hope is that Rock Your Students’ World will see the light of day in the not-too-distant future.
The book includes over 100 brain-compatible activities and ideas that incorporate movement, music, and storytelling into the classroom. In this video series the focus is on the first of these components: movement.
Specifically, the four activities demonstrated in the videos highlight what I call "concept-embedded movement," in which the activity itself features a type of movement that represents, matches, or embodies the meaning of the content students are expected to learn. Thus, when students move around and participate in the activity, they are actually bringing the content to life.
In this video I share a quick, engaging game that we can play with our students to help them distinguish between proper nouns (which require capital letters because they name specific people, places, and things) and common nouns (which don’t require capitals because they don’t refer to specific people, places, and things).
Click here to watch video now.
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