You are here: Home Workshops The Home-School Connection Teaching Tip of the Week Initiate Contact with Parents as Soon as Possible (Teaching Tip #43)
At these meetings, for many reasons, I like the children to be present. First, the meeting is about them, and I feel they have a right to be there. Second, when we create a short list of goals to guide our work over the next few weeks, I want the children to help create this list. Helping to create goals builds valuable reflective and goal-setting skills, gives children a sense of ownership of the process, and sends the message that parents and teachers think that what they have to say is important. If there is ever a time when I need to talk privately with the parents, I ask the child to wait outside for a minute.
Now, when Parent Conference time rolls around, the meeting becomes an important follow-up to the initial meeting, and we are in a wonderful position to review our goals, look at student work samples, and plan ahead for the next few months.
As soon as you discover that a student may have special academic or behavioral needs, schedule a meeting with the parents as soon as possible. Positive, proactive communication is always a good thing.
New Teaching Tips appear every Sunday of the school year.